
If you are looking for a specific lolicon 3D, videos, pictures, image sets, etc, you can make your request here (under this post). Just give us some information about it: title, description, etc and we’ll try to find or make and post it here, on Pure Loli!
Also, you can make an unspecific request. For example: “I want furry loli” or “3D video with schoolgirls”.
We always read all comments you wrote and happy to help you.

Important: If your comment is deleted, this means that you do not follow the rules for writing comments.


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  1. Hi, dear administrator(s), I’d like to send you my art for publishing. Please tell me if you’re interested!

  2. Hi, everyone in my favorit place on the internet.
    I would like very much, something with little negro lolitas posing in spicy underwear. You have some?

    • Marc J. on March 10, 2020 at 9:59 pm
    • Reply

    I’m looking for the series of Pictures that two girls were playing around and one girl crawled up into the vagina of the other girl or possibly her ass… can’t remember but wanting to check it out if possible

    • Marc J. on March 10, 2020 at 10:00 pm
    • Reply

    Also I’m looking for the series where the female gave birth to a baby…

      • Paul on April 22, 2020 at 7:57 am
      • Reply

      Hi Admin
      Your answer was a blanket reassurance. However, l have personally tried both. Without any success. The mirror sent me a message saying they can’t proccess credit cards and the direct download does not respond.

    • Hansi on March 30, 2020 at 4:53 pm
    • Reply uploads older than one year are not downloadable any more – despite the fact they are reported “online”.
    New Uploads work perfectly.
    Maybe file uploaded before about 2019 could be uploaded again.

    1. Hey. I checked and the files until 2019 are downloaded normally. What files are you having problems with, can you tell me their exact name?

    • TheG on March 31, 2020 at 8:51 pm
    • Reply

    Hey Thanks for having Rivaliant pics I was looking for these ? unfortunately some of the files are wrong/mislabeled and i think there are some that are missing like for, example “Rivaliant 3D Shotacon-Lolicon Collection Vol. 5” is actually Vol.4 and so on. any chance you can correct this and have the missing vol.5 file soon?

    1. Hey. All files are in order. There was a little confusion with the names of the archives, now everything is fixed.

  3. This is a great place. There’s only a few of your kind on the internet! I’m only wondering about this: Howcome is it, that only 3 out of 10 artists can get the picture right. (And in animated movies 1 out of 10.( Won’t favour anyone, but the king’s name starts with S….)) The body is perfect, The face is perfect, and express a lot of emotion, the hands and the feet are perfect, BUT the little groove is either overexpressed or overdone in some strange way, and the butt has a strange color…light instead of darker? Till all your creators: Do it NATURALLY. I know it can be done. The same digital tools are avallable to all. I know you can draw. Respect, and regards to you all.

  4. I also have problems finding 2 older movies. I thinh the were called something like “10 year old Laila seduces her younger brother” and in the other she had sex with both her brothers. She has bright red hair, and pulls herself avay in the same moment he’s cumming. And then she turns her head, and smile at him, while he is spraying her little firm but.

    • Paul on April 22, 2020 at 3:02 am
    • Reply

    Great site and content, please sort out the premium for downloads.
    Its really irritating to go through the whole credit card thing only for your info to disappear!!
    An answer to this would be great thanks

    1. Hey. Thanks. Upstore and Filespace guarantee privacy and security, you can use their services without any fear.

    • Paul on April 22, 2020 at 7:53 am
    • Reply

    Hi Admin
    I am waiting for an answer. This problem must also be of importance to you and your great artists.
    The mirror does not accept payment by card. The download says that they do but either the link is down or they’re scammers.
    Maybe you should find other payment hosts.

    • gold056 on April 22, 2020 at 4:38 pm
    • Reply

    Hey, any new Futanari or Lactation content?

    1. Hey. It is possible.

    • Paul on April 24, 2020 at 2:18 am
    • Reply

    The download and download mirror DO NOT WORĶ FOR TAKING AND PROCCESSING CREDIT CARDS !!!!
    I have tried both.

    1. Contact the support service if the problem is not on your side, then they will help you.

    • Paul on April 25, 2020 at 2:21 am
    • Reply

    Admin !! I have contacted the mirror service. They DO NOT PROCCESS CREDIT CARDS !!!!!
    The download site says that it does but after 2 futile attempts nothing happened !!!
    I am in Asia but my cards are acceptable world wide so whats going on?

    Please check it out and give a definitive answer.
    Thank you
    Regards Paul

    • Paul on April 26, 2020 at 3:20 am
    • Reply

    Admin, all l want is to be able to download from your site. I have no problem with your site except the payment host

    1. Hello Paul. I live in Denmark, and lately I have had the same problem. Not here or there, but All Over. I had to contact my bank because I wanted to extend an account. (Not here, but another place) Now they demand that I use ‘Nem ID’ (Easy I.D.) -And I don’t have any. In the end I had to tell my bank that they were making obstacles for my internetbusiness, and maybe…Just maybe I should look for another bank. But then…right out of the blue (Maybe she (The teller) took a look at the monitor, and noticed the ammount on my account ?) No matter what, she quickley became very helpful, and in less than 30 sek. they bended their own rules, and provided me with a special password I could use instead.
      Maybe your problem is your bank?
      When i created my own account here, i had no problems.
      I really hope that you get the problem fixed, because this is a GREAT place
      N.B. Remember – There are different kinds of accounts; some runs for 3-6, months, or longer, and then they stops.
      Others renew themselves (marked with a *)
      Also, if there are other letters (Non English) in your adress, it can confuse the system. My own adress contains a ‘danish only’ letter, so i had to change it to olddanish.
      Good Luck.

    2. Paul, I understand you, but you need to communicate with the support of file services, they will help you much better than me, you should not have problems with acquiring membership if the problem is not on your side. Perhaps the advice from Michael Nielsen that he left in response to your message will also be useful to you.

        • Paul on May 10, 2020 at 4:39 am
        • Reply

        Hi Admin and Michael, thank you for responding. However, it is not my bank. I contacted both download hosts and after a few days both replied and confirmed that they can not proccess credit cards.
        A definitive answer to all.
        You are correct that it is a great site with really good artists. However, l and many others will not want to get involved with strange unknown payment methods with no guarantee of success.
        This is not a complaint about your site or the artists. Only that you should consider changing payment hosts or do it yourself.
        Best regards Paul

        1. Hi again.
          I’ve just tried to make a new account, and I don’t seem to have any problem with my card (Mastercard). They even offer another way to by san account by a reseller.
          So there’s only one thing I can come to think of. Are you using any kind of VPN, that makes you hide inside a virtual net, and changes your IP adress? Then try to disable it.
          Or maybe your bank could arrange a money transfer, or tell you how to bye bitcoin?
          Or is this service illegal vhere you live?
          With the VPN, you can move around in 21 different countries.
          Sorry, I can’t tell you the name of the program, it could be illegal to use for getting this service. But look at the internet.

  5. I want to have a premium membership to download the Classmates series. However, your upstore does not accept payment from a gift card. What can be done?


      • Momo on May 18, 2020 at 11:31 am
      • Reply

      I would love to see a some 3D gifs of arya stark getting pounded by a black cock or getting skullfucked.

    1. Look further down (may 11) There’s a link to resellers.

  6. Dear Admin
    For about 10 days ago, I posted a comment and i must have been a little eager in my writing, because next day it was missing. Obvious I went over the line, and I owe You and the Compagny an excuse. So, I’m sorry and apologize. I just HATE to see when others slandring someone, only on mere suspicion

    • Bame on May 9, 2020 at 10:42 pm
    • Reply


    • Paul on May 11, 2020 at 11:10 am
    • Reply

    Thanks Michael for your response. Maybe it’s where l am located in S.E. Asia. I am not using any kind of VPN.
    Oh well never mind. I will have to do without.

    1. Maybe not. I E-mailed FileSpace, and told them about your problem. And they wrote that you can get a premium account via a reseller. Here is the link: The reason I try to help you, is – I coudn’t get an account myself in the start because there’s a ‘Danish only’ letter in my streetadress. But when I finaly got my account, I felt like a little boy, that just got a “Empty a toystore in one year” In a way I feel a little connected with you, because we have the same interesses. And there’s not a lot of us. Copy the link, and see what happens. And please… tell me if you get it. I really hope you get it!

    • Paul on May 12, 2020 at 6:24 am
    • Reply

    Thanks Michael, it’s strange that they couldn’ be bothered to help me after l e-mailed both download sites.
    I will let you know.

    1. I keep my fingers crossed for you Paul. And for You Admin; what made you change your mind? I’m glad you did. Thanks.

      1. Hey Paul Long since no seen. What happened? Are You alive? And most important. Do you get an account? Please let me know…

    • Pop ‘n Cherry on May 28, 2020 at 9:27 am
    • Reply

    We’re eagerly looking forward to some 3D VR (Side by side, or over under, 180 or 360)) image sets and videos.

    • PDF file on June 15, 2020 at 12:26 am
    • Reply

    Tall, buff, bearded Vikings reach Southeast Asia and rape the little local girls. By an artist like Lasto or Starkers.

  7. Hi, Can I make a discord for this site, You guys can run it if you’d like and own it, I just think It would be much more better for the community here for comments, updates, and more. If you like I can set everything up and then pass ownership to whoever runs this site.

  8. Hi, Dear Admin. A while there was a Download Called Ellie&David Vol 1 – 2. But then it stopped, and there’s also a number 3-4-5 (On another site) So why do You stopped ? Its one of the best i’ve ever seen. There’s other things in the history than only SEX You see the problems From Every persons side in the story. It,s not even finished, There is coming a Nr 6
    This is my favoritplace. The very first I saw was the beauty. All the girls looks like little goddesses

    • Kk83 on July 17, 2020 at 2:51 pm
    • Reply

    Please more Ella and David from Steve Strange! More stories, more hardcore, more naked, maybe some bleeding and maybe some animations. Anything to have more Ella and David!

  9. Please, more Ella and David to me too. It’s one of the best stories EVER.
    So please, vhy did you stop after download Nr. 2 ? Another site is already at # 5, and I believe there’s a #6 coming.
    So Dear Admin, Do You know any other stories that’s created the same way? I know ‘Sonofka’s downloads. But good picturenovells seem to be rare. There’s absolutley nothing’s wrong with ‘Pictures only, but I really like a story, with a good plot.
    Greetings to all, especially the Creators that make it all possible for us.
    And to Admin, when I sometimes step over the invisible line.

      • PDF File on February 26, 2021 at 3:09 am
      • Reply

      Frog has become my new favorite artist. More hairy, bearded men fucking and impregnating little asian girls from him. Toddlers and babies too

    • Rio Madagascar on July 24, 2020 at 9:39 am
    • Reply

    Would it be possible to make a 3D images/gifs/videos of an Asian Little Girl wearing pinafore dress with spectacles and squatting down on a squat toilet peeing and pooping while being locked in the toilet?

    • teeeeheeeeee on August 3, 2020 at 11:45 pm
    • Reply

    There is a toony 2D colored animation of a naked lying (in ground) loli making a footjob (she has long enough legs to reach his cock) to a stand-up man with a large cock. After he cums (a lot in a single time) she starts begging to be fucked roughly. Then he starts to fuck her (he made a big bulge of her stomach) and finished cumming inside her (a lot).

    I had that GIF bookmarked on senkakucomplex (the chan section) but it was removed so I lost the reference of the author. Can you find this work (and more) from this artist and upload to the blog? Please. Thanks in advance.

    1. Maybe It’s not what You’re looking for, but it’s the only new GIF 2D (From Aug.9) There’s about 20 pages with GIF, so try to see if you can remember the date (Approx.) But if it’s 2D .gif you want, take a look. Here’s the link:
      Hope You find it teeeehe.c.t.
      Michael Nielsen

    • Bill on August 13, 2020 at 10:23 pm
    • Reply

    To Administrator: OOPS! Posted a comment and counter shows 1 comment but the text is not visible, only 1 ping. Checked Requests and it shows 264 pings but none of the old requests.

    1. Hey. This was a bug after a system update, now this problem has been fixed. Sorry for the inconvenience.

    • Dragon on August 20, 2020 at 4:14 am
    • Reply

    Do you have any uncensored hentai that has two teen boys having sex with a teen girl.

  10. i need more is thar eny siets i can go to

  11. more boy on boy ,mowgli wanks and sucks son of tarzan, boy tarzans big dik goes in mowglis butt,and jizz dribbles down mowglis legs. mowgli drinks all the cum.(my fantasy since i was eleven) now mowgli wants to fuk little tarzan….and so.

  12. fantasy..lord of the flies boys are guarding the leader by the door holding spears and massive erections as there is a little boy orgy going on inside ralfs dwelling.ralph gets it up his ass from his enemy leader behind while little boy is still sucking off his massive dik.

  13. please more pregnant little girls comix.

    • Bruce on October 13, 2020 at 3:56 pm
    • Reply

    Strong little girl should show her arm muscle to her friend. “Feel my hard muscle” :>) Great artwork . Thank You.

    • Papapedo on October 22, 2020 at 11:50 am
    • Reply

    A long one set in a sex ring were little girls and boys are getting fucked by many men. Streaching bulging. Full length creampies alld al

    • Ulisse Nemo on October 30, 2020 at 1:32 pm
    • Reply

    how can i register on this site?

    • Dodzil on October 31, 2020 at 8:46 pm
    • Reply

    Hi, mature more women using and abusing young and very young girls. There are some in the site, but would be nicer with more. I can be more specific if you want more feedback

  14. mowgli boy meets young tarzan

  15. skinny little boy with giant boner meets 14 yr old athletic boy in showers after football massage and cum in soapy shower.

    • Clark on November 13, 2020 at 6:15 pm
    • Reply

    I know this is not the place for questions regarding the file hosters. But since I do not seem to get an answer from filespace, where I have a registered premium account, I have to ask: why does none of the download links work? I press download (mirror) on this page and get directed to the filespace page. When I click on the download link there, the connection always fails.

    Thanks in advance

    1. Hey. If you are using VPN services, then there may be a problem with them, check the software that you use to navigate the Internet. And also, if the link does not work, try to refresh the download page several times (from 2 to 4 times approximately). In any case, wait for a response from filespace support.

    2. You’re suppose to press “Download once. when you come to Filespace, you press “log In, in the top. Then You close the FileSpace page (Not the browser) That brings you back, and then You press “Download again. This time You come to the real Download (A Black square, and as long You don’t close the browser, you’ll stay logged in. Hope it helps.
      With regards

      Michael Nielsen

    • Gloria on November 15, 2020 at 7:02 am
    • Reply

    EngrishPorfesor (Uncensored) 3D Lolicon Collection Vol.3

    Please make some more videos look the with the girls and maybe with their face showing and more positions like them riding.

  16. new artist with pics and videos…

    • Rolex on November 17, 2020 at 2:40 pm
    • Reply

    I need to contact any of the good 3D artist, for a custom short strip 3d comic creation.

    To whom it may concern to ;. Please contact me back @, [email protected]

    • Paul on November 22, 2020 at 7:16 am
    • Reply

    More obviously pubescent girls with budding breasts and a little hair above are sparsely around their vulvas being fucked by men, that look like MEN, anywhere from 20- 40 years old.
    And or high school boys fucking elementary school-age girls

  17. more little gay boys big dicks wank and suck and cum videos animation please.

  18. more realistic teen athletic boys with big cocks horny with other boys thanks.

    • Craig on December 9, 2020 at 1:39 pm
    • Reply

    Is it possible to have anything commissioned or even made for everyone? I would LOVE to see 3D renders of celeb females, specifically early/young Britney Spears (Hit Me Baby One More Time ERA) schoolgirl with some foot fetish/white socks or bare soles etc. Also would love to see young Natalie Portman, Emma Watson, Elisha Cuthbert & Rachel Leigh Cook with the same themes (feet/schoolgirl)

    Pretty pretty pretty pleeeeeaaasssee? 🙂

    Thank you.

    • paul on December 30, 2020 at 1:05 pm
    • Reply

    Hi, l have just bought a key to your site.
    It all went ok.
    Except that l downloaded a file, it was in ZIP format. I have both zip and rar unpacking apps. But all thats showing is icons, like microphone, telephone etc

    What is the problem?

    1. Hey. All archives are working. The problem is in your applications. I recommend that you use classic applications such as 7-Zip and others like it.

    2. Greetings Paul.
      Have You tried to rightclick on ‘Unwrap Here’ if you have this option? I have (I can’t mention any names), but they call it ‘Worlds best Unzipping program For ZIP, and RAR.
      Hope you solve your problem

      Michael Nielsen

    • ZaFer2 on January 10, 2021 at 2:04 pm
    • Reply

    August last year you posted the stories of Black Wolf. Wonderfull!
    Is there coming more?

    • Jason on January 18, 2021 at 7:57 am
    • Reply


    Im gonna make a discord server, If you wanna join it comment below!

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